Subject Matter Expert and Charismatic Guest
Craig Harrison has been profiled in The Wall Street Journal , cited in Fast Company, Business Week and Bottom Line/Personal, interviewed by 60 Minutes and BBC radio live and Ireland’s RTE Radio1, quoted by the Orange County Register, The Financial Times, Real Simple, Playgirl, Selling Power magazine, fielded questions on K-101 FM and his columns have run repeatedly in the San Francisco Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner.
Craig’s articles and columns on sales & service, leadership and communication have appeared in Support World, Transaction World, Executive Excellence, Sales & Marketing Excellence, SOLD, Customer Service Newsletter, The California Job Journal, The Professional Caterer and over 75 times in Toastmaster, and you’ve read about his Elevator Speech booklet in the San Francisco Chronicle. His booklet even inspired multiple panels of the comic strip Sally Forth. He’s also been an online expert for match.com and CloudWise.com and he’s delivered webinars for Regan Communication and Lorman educational services for over a decade.
Take a look below at some of Craig’s media appearances.

Toastmasters Podcast #105
Listen to Craig’s interview on how to effectively BRAINSTORM and IDEATE.
Interview on “The Business with George Lee” on RTE Radio 1
6 minutes of Ireland for 5:00 AM airing for St. Patrick’s Day:
Motivational Musings from America for the Irish on the power of Positivity!
In this week’s San Francisco special, you also meet the young Irish who are making noise in Silicon Valley, visit the Galway man who swapped Glenamaddy cattle for Californian chardonnay, and explore the great city on the bay by bike.